Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Best Buddies Forever

These are just too cute not to post. Isabella is in pink (born 4/15/09), Emma is in blue (born 4/21/09) and Ali is in purple (born 5/1/09, the youngest and the first to walk)! I think they will be best buds for life, although right now they just sort of steal each others toys. Sorry about the quality.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Hobby

Just a few snapshots of our new hobby!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

February, it's been a good month!

Emma is excited for Spring!!

February has come and gone, and it was a good one. Emma is clapping now and can wave bye bye. She loves to walk around with her walker and is getting good at it. We even go for walks outside with it. She can also walk with Mommy while only holding one of her hands. She is getting good and I'm thinking it wont be too long till she is off on her own. Poor thing had pink eye last week, but were are just about over it. We have been lucky to not have too many Doctor visits the past 10 months. Speaking of the Doctor, at the last visit Emma was 20 lbs and was 28 1/2 inches tall! Whew, shes a big girl. Smart too, she is so observant and still loves Word World, and American Idol too. I swear she follows the story line in the shows she watches. Right now she is learning to put smaller objects into bigger ones, and she thinks its great that she can hold two things in one hand. Her birthday is around the corner, hard to believe its almost been a year! We are planning a "sweet shop" birthday party, good thing cause this girl loves to eat!

Who Dat!! Super Bowl

This happens often, lol

Valentine's Day dinner

Poor pink eye