Friday, December 18, 2009


this Santa is tutu cute

Emma can crawl and pull up all on her own now, she is growing too fast. It is very exciting to watch her grow and accomplish all her milestones. We are proud of our little turkey but now it is time to baby proof. I feel like she will be 16 before I know it. I just try to hug her and kiss her and tell her I love her as much as I can because it is true, the do not stay babies forever! Here are some pictures we got taken for Christmas gifts, hope you enjoy.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wow, it has been a while. Emma is doing great and hitting all her milestones, some early! She can sit and is just about to crawl...she goes on all fours and rocks and then usually thinks better of it and sits back up again. She can get to what she wants inch by inch this way. She has 3 teeth, and one more about to break the skin (I have been so lucky that teething does not make her fussy). Her new thing is to scream, she loves it, and laughs at herself when she does it. She can pull up w/ only a tiny bit of assistance, so it wont be long now, and can stand up anywhere you prop her.

The sign language is also going well. She can recognize the signs for milk and eat. Right now we are working on all done and more. Some others we show her daily are take a bath, I love you, mommy, daddy, and doggie. So far she can do the sign for milk but we are working on the others.

We have been blessed with not too many problems at all, and a very happy baby girl! She has been sick once with a virus, but other then that no rashes, ear infections or colic to speak of. We are very thankful for a beautiful healthy girl.
At the last visit (Nov 2) Emma weighed 17.02 lbs and was 27 inches tall. I'm guessing now she is probably about 18 lbs and 28 inches which means we are going to have to switch out of the infant car seat pretty soon.

Other than that we are just enjoying the time with Daddy :D

*Oh and Emma LOVED the snow, she was just watching it and smiling!!!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Emma is growing up!

Emma can stand and jump now. She can also sit up and is starting to like solid foods, she loves apples! We went to the Doctor last week and she is 29 inches tall and 17 lbs 2 oz ! Hard to believe it has already been six months, and Christmas is around the corner.


My little Flower!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Head

We went to the pumpkin patch (for the second time) out in Tomball. Nana Peggy and Auntie M bought Emma a get well soon outfit from Janie and Jack and it was just too cute for words.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Emma is getting two teeth, yay! They are the two central incisors on the bottom. She has not been fussy at all, which is surprising. She has been waking up more frequently at night though. She is such a good little girl, and hardly ever cries. Ill try to get some pictures of those tiny things...oooh they are so white!

On a second note, we went to the Mercer Arboretum on one of the cool days last week with Daddy and Gran! Emma loves the outdoors, and apparently taking it easy on the swing.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sippy Cup

Since Emma is not starting solids for a few months I thought it might be fun to let her start trying to use a sippy cup. She actually did really well and was able to hold the cup and get the milk to come out, very cute. Here are a few pictures. I think we will try some "milk slushy" on a spoon tomorrow ;0 Also Maw Maw and Great Aunt Niece took Emma on a shopping spree and she loves all her new clothes (a new outfit in the pics). Thank you again! She also loves the jumperoo that Nana bought for her but doesn't quite know how to jump yet, she just kicks her legs and that makes her bounce.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

July Update

Emma is 15 weeks old this week, and a whopping 15 lbs, WOW! She is growing so fast, pretty soon she will be walking. I was worried I would never get the pacifier away, but she can take it or leave it. She does love sucking on her thumb though (uh oh). Right now she is just learning to grab on to her toys and blow spit bubbles. Rolling over should be next, however she does not like being on her tummy, and the Docs say its front to back first. Were working on it, so I will update later. Just a few pics for now, but I have a video of "raspberries" for Aunt Niece I will post later!

The first is Isabella and Emma, the middle is Ali and Emma and I just thought the last one was too cute, although her hair looks really blond there (if y'all didn't know I prayed for dark hair)

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Photo Shoot

My sister loves taking pictures of Emma, and she is actually really good. We got some cute headbands and bloomers as gifts (thank you Molly, Peggy, and Leslie)...when the two came together, this is the outcome! Adorable, but I think it is Emma that makes the pictures so cute.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Emma went swimming for the first time last Saturday (June 6) at MawMaw and PawPaw's house. She loved it. Her Daddy says she is going to be a swimmer, just like he was!

We LOVED the Janie and Jack swimsuit that Pam got for Emma, but it was a little too small ! She is just a little chunky girl!